When you visit shrines, especially prestigious or historical ones, you notice middle-to-small sized shrines within the shrine's precincts. They are collectively called "Setsumatsusha (摂末社)", a term that two names of shrines, Sessha/subordinate shrine (摂社) and Massha/peripheral shrine (末社) are combined. The definition to distinguish one from the other is vague, as a matter of fact. Yet, it is widely recognized that Sessha is inclined to enshrine deities closely related to the prime deity enshrined in the main hall. That said, those who are relatives, business partners, and indigenous deities whose position was taken over by the currently enshrined deities, whereas Massha enshrines deity not so related to the prime one (i.e. deities enshrined in the neighbor shrines that were merged into the existing shrine).

In my previous entry, I introduced Maroudo Shrine in Itsukushima Shrine as one of the Sessha shrines. The enshrined deities in the Maroudo shrine are the five brothers of the prime female deity, Ichikishima-hime (イチキシマヒメ). Maroudo (客人) means "guest" or "invited". and, apart from Itsukushima shrine, there are several Maroudo shrines as Setsumatsusha. Due to its Chinese-style pronunciation of the same Kanji (訓読み), the Maroudo shrine is called "Kyakujin shrine" or "Kyaku Jinja (客神社)", in some cases. Here is the list;
- Kyakujingu (客人宮) in Jigozen Shrine (地御前神社)
- Monkyakujin shrine (門客人神社) in Hikawa shrine (氷川神社) - the most prestigious shrine in Mushashi Province (武蔵国一宮).
- Maroudosha (客人社) in Miho Shrine (美保神社)
- Kadomaroudo shrine (門客人神社) in Hinomisaki Shrine (日御碕神社)
- Kyakujin gu (客人宮) in Hieizan Enryakuji (比叡山延暦寺)
- Maroudo Shrine (客人神社) in Ouhi shrine (意富比神社)
- Kyaku Jinja (客神社) in Tomoika Hachimangu (富岡八幡宮)
I am sure there must be more Maroudo Shrines and the list goes on and on. Monkyakujin shrine in Hikawa shrine draws people's attention not only because Hikawa shrine is the Ichinomiya Shrine in the Musashi Province (that corresponds to the current Tokyo and Saitama) but it was initially called "Arahabaki Shrine (荒脛巾神社)", an enigmatic deity never appeared in both Japanese chronicles, Kojiki (古事記) and Nihon Shoki (日本書紀). Due to the lack of information, scholars ponder that Arahabaki deity has been worshipped in the northern part of Japan as an aboriginal deity among Emishi (蝦夷) tribe. Based on the hypothesis, it is speculated that Arahabaki used to be the prime deity enshrined in Hikawa shrine. Later on, as Izumo tribes migrated there, they brought their own deities, Susanowo, his wife Kushinadahime and offspring Ohkuni, who are the current prime enshrined deities. As the Yamato kingship expanded its territory up northeast by conquering the "rural" powers, their deities (Amatsukami) were enshrined in the new territory, hence domestic deities such as Arahabaki were forced to abdicate their position. For mercy, in some cases, domestic deities remained in Okumiya (奥宮), Sessha, or Maroudo shrine (as a guest who lost their host position).
Yamato State (Image from Wiki) |
I have nothing against this hypothesis as long as Maroudo shrine exists as Setsumatsusha. Nevertheless, at least five Maroudo Shrines exist as prime shrines! Four Maroudo shrines are listed on the Japanese Wiki and I found one more in Ehime. I repeat. That's not all. I am sure there must be more out there.
The enshrined deity in these Maroudo shrines is not Arahabaki but the ordinary well-known Shinto deities. To be honest, I cannot find what is common among them! Well, the hypothesis goes on and on. It is likely that the indigenous original enshrined deity was not even allowed to stay in Setsumatsusha but was utterly kicked out by Yamato kingship and erased from the endorsed record...
"History is written by the victors". So said Winston Churchill. When history was unwritten or the archives were lost, there is room to ponder the past.
In this and the following entries, I would like to review Maroudo Shrine in Tochigi city as this is close to my hometown and visited there years ago.
In fact, very little is known about this shrine. No Wiki page, no homepage, no priest is there, and only the Shinto geeks visit there and upload blog entries just like me.
The shrine is located southeast skirt of Mt. Ohira (太平山), 341 meters tall (short?) holy mountain previously called Mt. Miwa (三輪山) in the 3rd Century. Because Mt. Ohira isn't so tall, it is popular for hiking and visiting Ohira Shrine (太平神社) and other historical temples (but not this shrine).
Shinmei Torii and Komainu dogs
Since it was pleasant Indian summer when I visited there, what I did was fieldwork.
Stone monument behind the shrine |
It was damn painstaking to "decode" fading stone inscriptions written in ancient-style letters (see the image above). ALL Kanji including those no longer seen in the present day. According to the Japanese blogger's entries I referred to, it appears that the stone monument sitting around the Main Hall is a copy of the oldest archive that is present to date (documented on the 20th of October, 1423), entitled "下野国磯山西御庄下皆川郷内客人大明神田畠事". The archive seems to be the letter mailed to the Shinto Priest in the Maroud shrine (from who???). It says the divinity was transferred on the 20th of October, 1423 A.D. from the Isoyama Suwa Shrine (磯山諏訪神社) located approx. 2 km southeast away from Maroudo Shrine. BTW, Maroudo shrine faces to the Isoyama Suwa Shrine. There are around 25,000 Suwa shrines and all of them enshrine Takeminakata (タケミナカタ). No exception. it appears that the current deity enshrined in Maroudo Shrine is Takeminakata, if his divinity was transferred from the Isoyama Suwa shrine.
Nevertheless, the stone monument crystal clearly inscribes Maroudo Daimyohjin (客人大明神) as the enshrined deity. "Maroudo Daimyohjin (客人大明神)" is, indeed. a term for Shinto deities related to Buddhism (due to the "syncretism of kami and buddhas" called Shinbutsu-shugo/神仏習合).
Main Hall |
Additional info can be obtained from the back of the stone monument standing in front of the Main hall (left side of the photo above). It is unknown when the shrine is founded. The previous main hall was built in 1897 and was renovated into the current one in 1990. Until recently, the annual ritual ceremony took place on the 20th of October. The names of Shinto priest and about 33 families of Ujiko (氏子; neighbors worshipping Maroud Shrine) members in 1982 were listed. Ujiko worshipped the enshrined deity by calling it “Daimyohjim-sama”. The area of the shrine's precincts is 1487.61 square meters.
Inside of Main Hall. Who the hell is enshrined there???
Which one on earth is the enshrined deity in Maroudo Shrine???
Takeminakata? or
Maroudo Daimyohjin???
Very enigmatic, isn't it???
To be continued...